Introducing Pi Network’s Pi Open Source (PiOS)

As part of Pi Network’s continued growth, we’ve undertaken steps to empower our community with our new Pi Open Source (PiOS) software license.

Developing on Pi has always been easy, and doesn’t require any previous blockchain or crypto experience. And, with our new Pi Open Source (PiOS) license program, it’s easier than ever to get started with tools and templates designed for and by the Pi community.

PiOS is designed to encourage developers to share their code and collaborate with others to facilitate the development of quality Pi Apps and build the ecosystem. This license allows Pi community developers to create and contribute their code and make it available for use by others in the Pi Ecosystem. 

This has tremendous implications for the long-term utilities on Pi Network. For the first time, Pi Networks’ community of developers can build on the contributions of one another, leveraging the collective crowd wisdom of our large community of over 45 million engaged users by consolidating community developers’ collective knowledge and building efforts, Pi Network aims to make it easier than ever for people to pursue a diverse range of ideas and projects. 

These common resources will make it easier to build on Pi, encouraging contributions to our robust ecosystem of apps and utilities by Pi community members––all while providing our distributed community with the resources they need to make their own products.

With this access, every pioneer can use and modify the code repository licensed by other community developers under the PiOS license. This license exclusively extends to use within the Pi Ecosystem and provides all sorts of options to empower developers as they begin their journey.

This matters because for the first time, every developer on Pi will have access to libraries of editable templates and material, all available for them to iterate on and experiment with. This base of collective Pi knowledge can allow Pioneers to develop and learn at scale and from each other, all while saving time.

With PiOS, there’s no need for developers to reinvent the wheel; instead, they now have the tools at their disposal to start building immediately.

Ultimately, this innovation helps Pi fulfill our long-term goal of encouraging user-focused cross-collaboration. Through PiOS we hope to further empower developers who wish to share their codebase with the community at large and create a deeper, more compatible and collaborative community. 

Launched at the start of the Q1 2023 Hackathon, PiOS has allowed Pi community developers to not only build extraordinary Pi apps but also contribute to the development efforts of other Hackathon participants. In fact, seven of the Hackathon’s winning teams and honorable mentions built their apps using PiOS; and one team, in particular, was responsible for licensing the shared source code on which dozens of others teams were able to build their apps.

With PiOS providing the fundamental blueprint to kickstart community collective development, we’re seeing more utility-driven projects being built on Pi from developers who leverage our communal tools. Our hope is that by allowing Pi Community Developers to create open source applications and tools for the Pi Ecosystem, the community will continue to flourish.


To get started today, check out the PiOS Github repository.

Happy building!

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